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IBD Nutrition Clinic

Welcome to the FINI IBD Nutrition Clinic at McMaster University. Our clinic is dedicated to providing specialized nutritional support tailored to the needs of patients with IBD.

Diet Salad

We understand the unique challenges faced by individuals living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Led by a team of experienced gastroenterologists, dietitians, and healthcare professionals, we offer comprehensive care aimed at managing symptoms, promoting healing, and enhancing quality of life. With a focus on evidence-based practices and personalized attention, we are committed to empowering patients on their journey towards improved health and well-being.

Dr. David Armstrong

FINI IBD Nutrition Clinic Leader

"Patients face many and varied challenges in adhering to nutrition therapies. My goal is to identify patients' barriers to adopting new diets and empower them to manage their symptoms and live a life free of pain and discomfort" Dr. Armstrong

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